it's so good to know Jesus...

There are no such things as mistakes! He holds my world in His hands and I'm so grateful for the open door way that He has repeatedly given me to receive much grace especially when I fall...speaking of which, the word on the street is, but more importantly, in the best selling and personal favorite book of all time is that "all" wait let me say that again, "ALL" things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). So what's the sense in doubting or being fearful about the outcomes of my human frailty, knowing fully well that He knew (all of) me before I was formed in my mother's womb (Jeremiah 1:5) and that this "ALL" clause wasn't inserted accidentally by an absolutely 'PERFECT' God who doesn't contradict His character or His word...?

So I rejoice today in all my many imperfections especially as it relates to relational struggles. Yup! I'm 'sane' and yet 'insane' enough to believe that the Great I Am  has it ALL under control to the very last 'T.' Your grace is more than sufficient for us Lord and we thank you for molding us through our falls, even more and more into your image. It's all about your purpose and your plan so why not enjoy the journey as it unfolds?

Freely giving to you, this heart's deepest struggles, desires, frailties, weaknesses, strengths and successes too - You are the master changer, regulator, creator, restorer and finisher so go ahead and have Your way, that Your purpose not "may" but "will" be revealed in due time to the glory of Your magnificent and matchless name in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Utterly stoked 'coz the best is surely yet to come! O:)

Do you know Jesus?

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