from my hiding place...

“Only your love captured my heart – I heard you calling…come, come and so I will run forever unto you O God, now you have my heart…forever I will run unto you O God…where else can I go? Forever I will run!” 

THE SON of the Almighty God pursued me until I reached the very end of myself sometime earlier last year and so I write this straight from my heart. A true testimony of what some may call a miracle of restoration, neither forced nor fabricated but specifically written to perpetuate the glory of the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
He found me in the secret place, broken, bruised, rejected and ashamed…had absolutely no where to turn to, surrounded by utter darkness but right there in the deepest pit of my life He found me and spoke so gently to me – you belong to me and I belong to you…it’s me who loves you, it’s me who cherishes you, it’s me who formed you in my own image and likeness, that’s why I call you my daughter and I will turn your mourning into dancing, your sorrow into joy, your ashes for true beauty. Now hold my hand and watch me make your life brand new…because with me ALL things are possible and because I love you – I will run with you! 

Remembering just before daybreak, I hear a whisper so subtly but very familiar to my soul...James 4:10…”Humble yourself before the Lord and He will lift you up” and 1 Peter 2:4…”As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him.” I always heard of you speaking to your children, but this time it was my time – and I’m so glad you confirmed that you were with me in my darkest hour…who am I that you would call me to humility to be lifted up in due time and who am I that you would awake me from my slumber to tell me that though I had been rejected by men, you chose me and you called me precious in your sight…? 

So speechless how your love for me and within me has grown so deep, the scary yet beautiful thing is that you keep getting better and sweeter day by day as I walk in the covering of your grace, love and mercy…Jesus Christ, son of man, the one true and only living God. I’m smitten!!! You are my everything, my best friend, my husband, my confidant, my defender, my provider, my protector, my healer, my redeemer, my heart, my love, my air, my life! You amaze me!

I lay me down now…presenting myself as I am – unashamedly, standing here, ready to pursue you GOD!
In these beautiful words of your blessed son Freddy Rodriguez from his song “Safe in Your Hiding Place” I simply express how you found me and swept me off my feet...

“When you found me I was desperately lost
So rejected abandoned by all
Felt so helpless to do what is right
Then you whispered and called out my name
With compassion, removing my shame
You restored me and gave me a place to stand
Now my life is opened in a world that is broken without you, so hopeless without you
So hold me forever and ever
I can’t live with you in my life
My darkness turned into light
Right here right now, coz I’m safe… safe in your hiding place!”

I was created to worship you Lord – thank you so much for restoring me and revealing your undying love for me, now make me into the woman you want me to be!

Always and forever yours

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